Friday, September 15, 2017

Welcome Parents, Guardians, and Students

Hello and welcome to our team blog for the 2017-2018 school year.  On this blog you will find examples of student learning and projects as well as information on upcoming due dates and projects for each class in the tabs above.  If you ever have any questions please feel free to reach out to us.  Our email addresses are listed here for you.

Donald Rothemich Social Studies drothemich(at) x 3545
Cindy Kuhn Science ckuhn(at) x 3543
Bonnie Hudson ELA 1 bhudson(at) x 3547
Emily Colella ELA Co-Teacher ecolella(at) x 3593
Natalie LaPerriere ELA 2 nlaperriere(at) x 3546
Amy Anderson Math aanderson(at) x 3544
Donna McMahon Math Co-Teacher dmcmahon(at) x 3548
Roseann Marino Math rmarino(at) x 3550
Megan Adams Math madams(at) x 3566

* Replace (at) with @

Image result for Growth Mindset