On November 3rd Beacon students discussed the midterm elections which will be held on November 4th. Students discussed the democratic process and the election cycle in our country.
As a class we then spent time reviewing each of the four initiatives which will be on the ballot on November 4th. Students watched a brief introduction to each ballot item and then listened to a short audio report which discussed the pros and cons of each position.
After comparing the arguments for and against each ballot item, students had the opportunity to vote on each item in class. The vote was conducted privately and electronically using polling software in class. I have included results below each topic.
We will discuss how our results compare to the state results in class in the coming days.
Question 1- Eliminating Gas Tax Indexing
Question 2 - Expanding the Beverage Container Deposit Law
Question 3 - Expanding Prohibitions On Gaming
Question 4 - Earned Sick Time for Employees.